Custom Status Pages

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Creating a custom status page for the Drupal Writeup input filter

  • The Writeup input filter now contains an api function writeup_status($ssql) which may be called from any page that has the php input filter turned on.
  • To emulate the built in writeup_status page, create a new page with the php input format and use this code. It will list all body fields that use the Writeup filter:
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, AS format, r.format AS format_id, r.title, r.body FROM {node} n
  JOIN {node_revisions} r on r.vid = n.vid
  JOIN {filters} f on f.format = r.format
  JOIN {filter_formats} t on t.format = r.format
  WHERE f.module='writeup'
  ORDER BY, r.title";
print writeup_status($sql);
  • If you want to show a particular CCK field (other than body), use something like this (example taken from
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, AS format, f.format AS format_id, n.title, r.field_" . $field . "_value FROM {node} n
  JOIN {content_type_" . $type . "} r on r.vid = n.vid
  JOIN {filters} f on f.format = r.field_" . $field . "_format
  JOIN {filter_formats} t on t.format = r.field_" . $field . "_format
  WHERE f.module='writeup'
  ORDER BY, n.title";
print writeup_status($sql);
  • Two fields can be combined into one using a UNION statement. The two SELECTs have to be in parenthesis for the final ORDER to apply to both of them:
$sql1 = "(SELECT n.nid, AS format, f.format AS format_id, n.title, r.field_" . $field . "_value FROM {node} n
  JOIN {content_type_" . $type . "} r on r.vid = n.vid
  JOIN {filters} f on f.format = r.field_" . $field . "_format
  JOIN {filter_formats} t on t.format = r.field_" . $field . "_format
  WHERE f.module='writeup')";
$sql2 = "(SELECT n.nid, AS format, f.format AS format_id, n.title, r.field_" . $field . "_value FROM {node} n
  JOIN {content_type_" . $type . "} r on r.vid = n.vid
  JOIN {filters} f on f.format = r.field_" . $field . "_format
  JOIN {filter_formats} t on t.format = r.field_" . $field . "_format
  WHERE f.module='writeup')";
print writeup_status($sql1 . " UNION " . $sql2 . " ORDER BY title, format" );
  • This code will show comments. Bear in mind that the link will be to the whole node, but the title will be the subject of the comment, so multiple comments on one node may be distinguished.
$sql = "SELECT n.nid, AS format, c.format AS format_id, c.subject AS title, c.comment AS body FROM {node} n
  JOIN {comments} c on c.nid = n.nid
  JOIN {filters} f on f.format = c.format
  JOIN {filter_formats} t on t.format = c.format
  WHERE f.module='writeup'
  ORDER BY, c.subject";
print writeup_status($sql);