Writeup is a scripting language for documents, making it fast, easy and fun to create documents for the web, for print, or for slide presentation, or all three at once from the same original document.
//.Selection of stories for //date will be added
$MDATE=2019-07-25 // only content that matches this date will be included
$include incstd.txt
$command=writeup -y $FILENAME // turn html into pdf file using wkhtmltopdf2
$command+= && wkhtmltopdf2 $pdfopt $FILE.html $FILE.pdf && rm $FILE.html
$pdfopt=-s Letter -L 10 -R 10 -T 10 -B 10 --zoom .9
$story($sdate, line $title)={
$if !$instory||!!>||$endif
$if $MDATE==$sdate
As well as a few minor bug fixes, there is a new option: -c --close which will silently close open tags at the end of a document.
This is important for the Drupal integration project since teasers are usually created by chopping off much of the document, and so possibly creating some unclosed structures.
Version 1.5 of the Drupal project integrates with Writeup vers
Suppose we want a function that creates links to Drupal project pages. It will allow us to refer to the project writeup using $writeup by creating the definition:
A new release candidate for Writeup 2.0 (1.99.16) is now available at sourceforge in Linux, Mac and Windows versions.
The main change, as well as a few bug fixes, is better microdata support for time. Previously dates were supported, but now there is good support for time, both as microdata and in the <time> tag.
The release candidate for Writeup 2.0 has been released on sourceforge. See sourceforge.net/projects/writeup/files/ for the download page. New features kept creeping in and delaying the release, but this looks good.
The Drupal module for allowing Writeup to be an input filter is now stable. See drupal.org/project/writeup.